Developing a service strategy for a Logistics Company.

LTW Logistics

Service design & strategy

Project Lead

6 months


My position:

My role:


LTW Logistic approached us for a re-design of their logistics software that they offer their clients as part of their Logistics services.
We visited 5 of their clients and conducted shadowing of operators using the software, in different contexts to better understand how it is used and where the opportunities for improvement would be. This project grew considerably from its initial software redesign into a longer strategy to improve not just their software but also the potential services they could offer. This case study highlights some key activities I conducted as part of this discovery phase from research through to recommendations for the short (software re-design) to the medium and long term opportunities.


Foundational research

On the completion of our research we discovered that while the software interface caused many issues and painpoints for their clients, there were more fundamental service related issues that were missing or would add huge impact to the value of their software and services in general.

We proposed a more holistic approach to developing their software in line with how the industry was rapidly becoming more and more digital and customer empowerment was ever more vital to competitive advantage, we mapped out a strategy that would build a foundation for short and long term service offerings by proposing software packages or applications which could be developed over time and ultimately sold separately.


Mapping workflow, devices & users

In order to gain a holistic picture of how our proposal might be integrated into the workflow of their clients we mapped the workflow, users, and the devices they use as well as how their software could support the whole ecosystem of their operations.

This is one of my favourite maps, as it is rare that you get the opportunity to bring physical space into a map. By mapping the workflow between the different departments such as office, factory floor and warehouse allowed us to identify the key areas and interactions that could be catered to.


Visualising opportunities

I developed the scenarios further to zoom into some of these key opportunities and visualised them in a storyboard.

These story boards were very effective ad adding human context and emotion to the opportunities, while also starting to produce thumbnails for the interfaces. Thumbnails are something more primitive than wireframes as they just focus on one action. This can be valuable to identify key functionality when we later get to wireframing




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