Tetra Pak filling machine vision

Tetra Pak

Service design & strategy

Discovery and Strategy Project Lead

6 months


My position:

My role:


Tetra Pak has a history of high quality processing and packaging solutions, maintaining the highest standards of safety and performance. However through our research at Tetra Pak clients we discovered a disconnect between the high quality performance of machines and the users who use them.

Through a human centred UX approach we proposed a vision of a future line of Filling machines to reconnect the sophisticated mechanics with the users, three key areas for improvement were:

1. Work environment
How might we ...optimize the loading and unloading efforts throughout the production line?

2. Movement

How might we ... pre- inform about possible breakdowns in the line?

3. Efficiency

How might we ...improve efficiency for quality checks?


Service Blueprint (Current & Future)

Tetra Pak approached us to help them create a vision for a future line of filling machines. We started by going to Tetra Pak clients factories to shadow and interview machine operators. We used this data to formulate the service Blueprint below which uniquely combined current and future operators.

Service Blueprint

We identified key opportunities around three themes, The work environment, the movement that operators have to do to manage and operate machines and the efficiency of some processes such as quality checks. From this insight and strategic direction the Industrial design team began working on the designs of possible future filling machines.


Industrial Design vision sketches

Proposed collaboration project plan


Mapping Events Ecosystem


Digital Candidate Experience